Emerging Technologies

Family Owned for Over 30 Years

Emerging technology is a relative term, because someone may see a technology as emerging and others may not see it the same way. According to BusinessDictionary.com, emerging technology is a new technology that is currently being developed, or will be developed within the next five to ten years. The new technology will substantially alter the business and social environment; the technology will include information technology, wireless data communications, man-machine communications, on-demand printing, bio-technologies, and advanced robotics. What truly defines emerging technology is that the majority views its usefulness as dubious and it may not be embraced by most. In today’s world we are currently using some emerging technologies from our recent past, notably the global positioning system (GPS). It is in every part of our lives today. When we get into our cars, or in an aircraft, or even in the local commuter train, GPS plays an important role in not only getting us where we want to go but by providing information to keep us safe by tracking the movements of other vehicles and providing accurate time and distance information. The MP3 is another of these technologies. We all use it almost every day of the year, from the small player in our pockets to the largest radio stations. MP3s are the choice of a technology driven society. By using MP3s we no longer need to store vast amounts of physical media in our homes. Technology has transformed the way we live, in small daily ways to ways that impact us daily.  As new technologies continue to emerge, how will our world continue to change?  

Key Areas Supported

  • Groovy and Grails
  • Hadoop
  • Haskell
  • HBase
  • Mongo DB
  • Mule
  • R Programming Language
  • Raven DB
  • Scala